Monday, April 1, 2013

A Little Something Random I Wrote...

The formatting on this is ALL messed up, so it might not make sense, but I hope you enjoy it all the same. Chapter One: Chapter 1 "This will be a story about you and me. I’m telling the story, but you see, it will be all about us. This letter is to you, the writer, and how I fell in love after just a few words from your mouth. You see, I think you were conflicted and confused about life before I came. You wrote too many books at once, just trying to get your ideas out before they flew away into some abyss known as your thoughts. See, ideas never really left your brain, they just ran away until you couldn’t see them anymore. This happened with school, too. You spent so much time in your own head thinking about negative things, that thoughts that were worth remembering had time to get away. Too much time. That’s how you ended up with only the negative things to think about for a while. One of the reasons you always acted happy when you were really sad was because you didn’t like to draw attention to yourself. You liked it sometimes, but you felt ashamed. Very ashamed indeed, when you liked attention yet felt ashamed both because you liked it and didn’t like it. You were a confusing person. But because of that confusion, you wandered. You wandered a lot, until you found me. Then you found a stopping place. Well, not a stopping place, exactly. A starting place. Chapter 1 You sulked around in the halls of our high school on the rainiest day of the year. I think you were affected by bad weather. In fact, I knew you were affected by bad weather. In French, this life-changing moment in history, we were partnered up for dialogue in front of the class. I walked up to you. We were only supposed to speak French, so I said: “Tu n’amies pas la pluie?” “Non, il fait tout sembler sombre.” “Je conviens. Mais tu devries essayer…l’acte heureux.” You shrugged. And at that moment you looked into my eyes, really looked into them. It was easy for me to look at those emerald green, gorgeous, heart-stopping eyes of yours, but you seemed uncomfortable with eye contact. I was sad when you looked away. I was captivated by you from the first moment I saw you, I just didn’t know it yet. I think we both had a lot of hidden emotions. You had your happiness tucked away in a safe but dangerous place. I know what you’d say to that. “It’s an oxymoron.” Safe and Dangerous. Well, it is. But your happiness was so safe because it was strong, but dangerous because it was in a place where it could slip away at any moment. I had my hidden love and dedication. See, you were great in school except for Biology, and I just kind of sucked at school in general. I didn’t have one class above a B-. We did our French dialogue about the weather, and we got a perfect score, thanks to your good pronunciation and reminders to enunciate at the end of the word, not in the middle, like English words do. You were pushy, yet in a sexy, determined, hard-working way. I liked how it almost seemed you had confidence in me in that moment, although you’d seen me a thousand times before just blow of a test or get yelled at by a teacher in front of the class. After French class, I sort of followed you to your next class. I just felt this really strange attraction to you. I wasn’t really afraid of the attraction, maybe just afraid that you would reject me, like tell me to “bug off” or something. But you didn’t. Instead you turned around, looking at me, a little below the eyes. You just couldn’t do it back then, huh? The whole eye contact thing. I never really understood that about you. “Is there something that I can help you with?” you asked me slowly, pulling your dark blue hood off. Your mess of dirty blond hair was being flattened by your hands at first. You took out a small brush from the outer pocket of your messenger bag and began brushing your shoulder-length hair. I improvised. I had a habit of doing that. “What lunch do you have?” Please B, please B lunch, please please please. “I have A lunch today,” you said, shifting your bag. “Let me guess, you want to have lunch with me?” Back then you looked at me half like I was some foreign animal from your parents’ zoo, and half like you just wanted to talk to me, spill all your secrets out. It was that kind of look where you just needed to talk to someone, anyone. I couldn’t help notice the barely noticeable smile playing on your alluring lips. That was the first time you smiled at me, even if it was the smallest smile I’d ever seen. “Yeah, I’d like that,” I said, smiling back. You nodded, your slight smile vanishing instantly. “I have A lunch tomorrow, though. Meet me by the cafĂ©? I have to buy lunch.” Satisfied with your answer, I said, “Cool. You know, I could always bring you lunch. Have a picnic if it’s nice enough outside.” Your eyes flickered to the rainy, gloomy outdoors, then back at me, with an incredulous expression. “You really think it’s going to clear up anytime soon?” I considered that unlikely after a few seconds. “You’re right. It’s a date,” I concluded. “It’s not a date,” you said, looking down. That hit me a little like ice. I guess you were right, it wasn’t really a date. I don’t know if you knew that I liked you. I don’t even know if I knew that I liked you. “Oh,” I eventually said. And as I saw a big group of obnoxious guys roughhousing and stumbling straight toward us, I grabbed you by the shoulders and pulled you out of the way, and we were pushed against a railing as they rumbled past, whooping and shouting insanities. “Idiots,” you muttered under your breath, and I laughed a little, just barely. “What?” you asked, moving away from me, repositioning your messenger bag. I shook my head, just smiling at you. “Nothing.” We stared at each other for a moment, and I finally forced myself to say, “Well, I gotta get to World History. I’ll…see you tomorrow at lunch?” “Yeah, see ya.” You walked away from me, slowly through the crowd of students and annoyed-looking teachers, and glanced back at me, just for a second, grinning slightly. Your hair framed your beautiful face and your green eyes seemed to look at me and past me at the same time. That’s when I knew."

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